Poika luuli saaneensa saaliin
Pelkkä perkausveitsi jäi vaan haaviin
Hyvää pääsiäistä, armaat.
Ensi viikolla menen Emilian luokse muutamaksi yöksi, jonne myös Johanna ja Vilma ovat suuntaamassa. Suunnitelmissa on shoppailua, syömistä (Emilian hostäiti tekee makaroonilaatikkoa, en kestä!) ja minun syntymäpäiväni juhlistamista. En jaksaisi odottaa! D:
Seuraavalla viikolla uljas ystäväni lentää Suomesta minua moikkaamaan ja tarkoituksenamme olisi kirmata villeinä Lontoossa, Bristolissa että ympäri Walesia. Pääsiäisloma tulee siis köyhdyttämään minua suunnattomasti, onneksi pankkitilille on ilmestynyt jo vähän kahisevaa synttärilahjoina, joten toivottavasti en joudu ihan kokonaan konkurssiin.
Muuten loma menee aikalailla läksyjen, löhöämisen, syömisen ja kavereiden kanssa hengailun merkeissä. Täytyy kerätä voimia, 2,5 kuukautta vielä pitäisi paahtaa ennen kesälomaa. :3
P.S. Mulla on ikävä mun JOPOa. :'c Haluan pyöräilemään.
Happy Easter, guys!
Next week I'll go to stay for a few nights at my Finnish friend's place with some other pretty awesome Finns. I'm gonna shop, eat (like I always do, complaints?) Finnish dishes and celebrate my birthday. I can't wait but I'm afraid that after speaking Finnish for like three days I won't be able to speak English anymore. So you have to bare with me, darlings.
The following week I'll be travelling around England (unfortunately yes, I'm going behind the enemy line, I hope I'll survive) and Wales when a really good friend of mine - I hate saying someone is my best friend, it makes me feel that I'm putting my friends in order of importance and I don't want to do that - is flying all the way from Finland to UK, which is pretty awesome. ;)) Although, I'll get really poor because of all the shopping and eating out, oh my, pros and cons of having fun... Oh, well, you only live once. Can't believe I just said that... XD YOLO. Thank goodness, I have my birthday during the Easter holidays, 'cause I'll get some money to my bank account. But I end up spending it all immediately, although I'm going to try to be careful! But, honestly, it's my 18th birthday, what can you expect?
Otherwise I'll just lay on my bed or sofa, eat and spend time with my friends (I know you're reading this. I'm waiting for your calls). And I'm planning to do my homework on time not on Sunday night like I always do. But I need my beauty sleep, I have to rest, I still have 2,5 months to spend with you guys and that is tiring, you have to give me that.
P.S. I miss my bicycle, can't wait until summer when I'll be able to ride it around my town in Finland.
P.S. Mulla on ikävä mun JOPOa. :'c Haluan pyöräilemään.
Happy Easter, guys!
Next week I'll go to stay for a few nights at my Finnish friend's place with some other pretty awesome Finns. I'm gonna shop, eat (like I always do, complaints?) Finnish dishes and celebrate my birthday. I can't wait but I'm afraid that after speaking Finnish for like three days I won't be able to speak English anymore. So you have to bare with me, darlings.
The following week I'll be travelling around England (unfortunately yes, I'm going behind the enemy line, I hope I'll survive) and Wales when a really good friend of mine - I hate saying someone is my best friend, it makes me feel that I'm putting my friends in order of importance and I don't want to do that - is flying all the way from Finland to UK, which is pretty awesome. ;)) Although, I'll get really poor because of all the shopping and eating out, oh my, pros and cons of having fun... Oh, well, you only live once. Can't believe I just said that... XD YOLO. Thank goodness, I have my birthday during the Easter holidays, 'cause I'll get some money to my bank account. But I end up spending it all immediately, although I'm going to try to be careful! But, honestly, it's my 18th birthday, what can you expect?
Otherwise I'll just lay on my bed or sofa, eat and spend time with my friends (I know you're reading this. I'm waiting for your calls). And I'm planning to do my homework on time not on Sunday night like I always do. But I need my beauty sleep, I have to rest, I still have 2,5 months to spend with you guys and that is tiring, you have to give me that.
P.S. I miss my bicycle, can't wait until summer when I'll be able to ride it around my town in Finland.